Constable Heap Seeks Re-election

In 2016 voters elected Ted Heap as the new Constable of Harris County Precinct 5 with an overwhelming 87% of the vote. Constable Heap did not view this as a personal victory, but rather a mandate to strengthen the department from the top down with a single goal in mind, providing the best possible protection and service to the community as possible.

In his first term he accomplished this but as he stated to the department at the beginning, “Without change we can not have growth, and without growth we can not reach our fullest potential, and if we aren’t reaching our fullest potential it isn’t fair to the residents of Harris County.”

We invite you to scroll through the banners below, as well as the rest of this website. Visit the Precinct 5 department website, and the Facebook pages for Constable Heap and the department. We are confident that as you do you will agree that there is no-one better equipped to lead Precinct 5 than Constable Ted Heap.

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